General Information

International Sustainable Tourism In Crossborders Conference with topic sustainable tourism and environmental protection is one of the activities of Partnership for Sustainable Tourism Stranja-Sakar implementing by Bulgarian and Turkish partners.

The Scientific conference will be held for 2 (two) days. The participants are invited from universities, scientifical institutions and non-governmental organisations. The expected participants of the conference are 50 (fifty) researchers, who will present reports in the field of sustainable tourism development and environmental protection.

The first day of the Conference is intended for the participants’ arrival and check-in, registration for the Conference, a visit of local tourist sights and dinner.

During the second day the researchers will make presentations of their reports. The reports will be assembled and printed in a proceedings book.

The responsible partner for the implementation and reporting of the activity will be Project partner 3: Foundation of Trakya university

The output of the activity will be the data gathering – 50 ( fifty) reports on the topic “Sustainable tourism development and environmental protection” and print of the reports’ proceedings – the edition will be 100 (one hundred).

This content was issued on 18.10.2018 and has been viewed for 625 times.