Paper Submission

1)      Themes

Sustainable Tourism


Environmental Protection

Rural Tourism

Tourism Marketing

Tourism Management

Tourism Education

Tourism in Thrace, Balkan and Strandja Regions

Cross-Border Tourism

Strandja District Environmental Protection

Tourism Policy, Plan and Strategies


2)      Writing Rules


  • Papers must be written in A4 paper size, 11 pt Times New Roman font style and 1 line spacing must be used.
  • In the work to be sent to the congress, the author(s) must be given right under the main title. Sub title of the author's name, institution and e-mail information should be written in 10 fonts.
  • The language of the submitted work must be Turkish, English or Bulgarian.
  • At the beginning of the paragraph there should be 1.25 indentations.
  • Work submitted to the congress must have not been previously published or sent to another place for publication.
  • Papers submitted to the congress must be maximum 5 pages including references.
  • References within the text must include the author (s) surname, the year of the source, and the page number, respectively. (Aaker, 1991: 101).
  • Main topics that form the declaration: Introduction, Literature Review, Method, Findings and Discussion, Conclusion and Recommendations, References (11 pt Times New Roman font style, bold)
  • References must be "APA-6" format with 10pt Times New Roman and 1 line spacing


  • Abstract must consist of 150-250 words.
  • At least 3 keywords, 11pt Times New Roman, 1 line spacing must be used.
  • Every paper must have English summary


      Our conference is suitable for academic incentive criteria.


3)      Submission

Full texts of papers will be sent to  with “Name-Surname and Name of Full Text” until November 9, 2018.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Please indicate in your e-mail which theme is appropriate for your study.

 * Papers submitted for an oral presentation to the International Sustainable Tourism Development and Environmental Protection Conference are accepted or rejected after passing the Science Board (Arbitrator) audit.

4)       Accepted Proceedings

This content was issued on 23.10.2018 and has been viewed for 526 times.